If you ignore that a computer can work reliably with only free softwares, then the following links will open you the doors of a fantastic world where computers do not crash anymore, and where the best softwares are often the less expensive !
What's Linux ?
What's the Free Software Foundation ?
What's GNU ?
Where to find those softwares ?
Where to find Linux distributions ?
What the majors think about it ?
For the memories of the "Blue Screen":
If you think there are no games available on Linux:
If you are looking for a free office suite on Linux:
If you are looking for a enterprise-class reliable server:
If you wish to run W*$ applications on Linux:
If you wish to manage easily your Linux system:
Some facts:
Republic of China chose Linux as official operating system for the Chinese administration.
Titanic (the film) has been rendered on Linux.
Great companies, such as Deutche Bank and Avis do their business on Linux.
Large companies research centers run on Linux. Eg: Nasa, Cern, Rolls-Royce, Electricite de France, Boeing, ...
About 40% of the computers connected to the Internet are running Linux.
IBM compared the performances of its super computer Dip-Blue to a cluster of PCs running Linux. The result ? 4 times more power for less than 10% of the cost in favour of the Linux solution. And they published the results !
Linux is build thanks volunteer work from students, researchers and enthusiasts throughout the entire world, which means more than 100 times more staff than its main commercial competitor.
Linux respects the 30-years experience gained by Unix in the domains of programming and communication standards.
Linux run on numerous different hardwares (Alpha, Intel, Mips, Sparc, ...), allowing the platform to change without loosing user's habits.
Linux is a true multi-tasks, multi-sessions, multi-users, multi-architectures, multi-processor operating system, opened and delivered by competing companies.
Linux is a recent operating system (born in 1992) fast evoluting, while keeping widely compatible with Unix softwares.
Linux offers more choice to the user than proprietary systems because it is opened to competition.
Linux offers a guarantee of perennity that proprietary systems can't offer.
Linux offers services that pay operating systems are not close yet to offer:
Mirroring software (no more data loss when the hard disk fails)
Journalised file system (no more data loss in case of power-outage)
Clustering with load balancing (No time loss in case of hardware failure)
Client/server architecture (all applications are remotely executable without artifices)
Preemptive Multi-tasking (no more hang-up in case of bugged application)
Protected memory management (no more memory leaking, no need to reboot the computer after a bugged application crash)
User-oriented access rights management (safety for your data and no more viruses propagations !)
And much more...
So don't wait anymore ! Join the movement of future computing systems ! Associations and clubs exists in all countries !
Luxembourg: Lilux